Our films

Two Women over the Law (Due donne al di là della legge) – 2022


Film web page: www.twowomenoverthelaw.com


Based on a true story of the beginning of XX century. In a small rural village of Italy, Donato, happily married to Anna, meets Marisa, a woman from Corsica, and they fall in love. Anna and Marisa decide to have an “extended” family with Donato: the family grows in the name of Love and Friendship, against the social customs and prejudices of the time, in the historical context of rural fights and strikes, in a backdrop of rural magical.

An all-female story where TWO WOMEN revolutionize the common feeling.

*”Two Women over the Law” is the international version (English dub) already available (Delivery 2k | 4k)


Theatrical Release Italy: May 2022

link>> Streaming Italy (Cecchi Gori Ent.): Release January 2024

link>> Streaming International (Europe): Release February 2024


Nell’Italia agraria di inizio secolo, ad Anditri, una terra di confine nel Sud Italia, Donato e Anna vivono e lavorano nella fattoria di famiglia. Conoscono  la còrsa Marisa, da poco giunta in paese. La situazione si evolve in nome dell’Amore e dell’Amicizia, negli anni burrascosi delle lotte contadine e operaie e in uno sfondo di magia contadina.

Una storia tutta al femminile dove DUE DONNE rivoluzionano il sentire comune.

*Il film è qualificato come “Film d’essai” presso il Ministero della Cultura Italiano (MIC)




The magic world (Il mondo magico) – 2017


Film web page: www.ilmondomagico.it


1941: Gianni (Raffaele Schettino), drafted in the Russian campaign during the World War II, deserts the Italian army. Backing to Italy, a family in Piadena, province of Cremona (North), gives him shelter. There, he falls in love with the beautiful and mysterious Teresa (Chiara Travisonni). In the confusing situation as a result of the 1943’s Armistice, after promising to Teresa to get married, Gianni decides to come back to Frigento, Irpinia (South), his motherland.

There he meets Tina (Alessandra Tavarone), his old love. Meanwhile Teresa, having no more communications from Gianni, decides to go to Frigento to seek him. When she arrived, she finds Gianni and the unpleasant surprise of his betrayal. The woman, by mean of her occult knowledge, canalized her anger into three terrible curses…
Gianni and Tina get marry and have a son. They move to Buonacquisto, in Umbria, where Gianni is employed as policeman; there he meets some miners and Terni steelworkers who have marched against the collective layoffs: he slowly sympathizes with them, but the requirements of his new job, to ensure the order, put him in a serious contradiction. Therefore, Gianni seems to find his tranquility thanks to Mariella (Mara Calcagni), a passionate and emancipated woman, whom he falls in love with. His progressive adhesion to the workers’ instances contrasts the practical and concrete attitude of his wife, as well as it provokes the Police headquarter reproach. A deep state of stress will lead him to stroke…


La storia di Gianni, che diserta dalla Campagna di Russia durante la seconda guerra mondiale e viene nascosto da una famiglia a Piadena, vicino Cremona.
Qui si innamora di Teresa, ma i due si separeranno quando Gianni, subito dopo l’Armistizio, ritornerà alla sua terra al Meridione. Teresa andrà a cercarlo al Sud, ma verrà respinta: gli manderà per questo una terribile maledizione…
Il film è basato su una storia vera degli anni ‘40, in uno sfondo di canti di tradizione orale della bassa Lombarda, dell’Irpinia e della Valnerina umbra.

Theatrical Italy: February 2017


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